Dates 1927 - 2009 Creator Type Personal Name Biographical/Historical Notełakowskiłakowskiłakowski Book(s) by Kolakowski, Leszek Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 Title Date of Publication Der Mensch ohne Alternative. Von der Möglichkeit und Unmöglichkeit, Marxist zu sein 1960 Der revolutionäre Geist 1972 Die Menschen- und Bürgerrechte in der Volksrepublik Polen während des Kriegszustandes ... NA (ca. 1983) Essential works of marxism 1961 Existentialism Versus Marxism. Conflicting Views On Humanism 1966 Ideologie, Ideologiekritik und Wissenssoziologie 1967 (1961) Karl Marx 1979 (1973) Main Currents of Marxism. Its Origins, Growth and Dissolution.1. The Founders 1982 (1978) Main Currents of Marxism. Its Origins, Growth and Dissolution.2. The Golden Age 1981 (1978) Main Currents of Marxism. Its Origins, Growth and Dissolution.3. The Breakdown 1981 (1978) Marx et les marxistes 1972 (1965) La philosophie positiviste 1976 La Pologne: une société en dissidence 1978 Stalinism. Essays in Historical Interpretation 1977 Stalinism, Its Impact on Russia and the World 1985 (1982) The Christian Marxist Dialogue 1969 The New Left Reader 1969 The Socialist Register 1974 1974 Towards a Marxist Humanism. Essays on the Left Today 1968