Toward the United Front. Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922

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Date of Publication
Number of Pages
Historical Materialism book series
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | J Workers´ movement, left movement, socialist movement
Edited and Translated by John Riddell.
Sessions (5 November - 5 December 1922)
1. Opening Session (Zetkin, Zinoviev, Kon, Béron, Azzario, Katayama, Kolarov)
2. Report of the Executive Committee (Humbert-Droz, Zinoviev)
3. Report of the Executive Committee (Zinoviev, Bordiga, Radek, Vajtauter, Ernst Meyer, Varga, Fischer, Neurath)
4. Discussion of the Executive Committee Report (Becker, Radek, Duret, Bordiga, Graziadei)
5. Discussion of the Executive Committee Report (Humbert-Droz, Michalkowski, Murphy, Haakon Meyer, Bucharin, Carr , Faure)
6. Discussion of the Executive Committee Report (Rosmer, Radek, Van Ravesteyn, Landler, Acevedo , Domski, Kolarov, Seiden, Bukharin, Landler, Katayama, Rákosi)
7. Discussion of the Executive Committee Report (Marshall , Sullivan , Friedländer, Vujovic, Tan Malaka, Zinoview, Scoccimarro, Graziadei, Duret, Souvarine, Dormoy, Peluso, Ernst Meyer, Péri, Domski)
8. Five Years of the Rusian Revolution (Lenin, Zetkin)
9. Five Years of the Rusian Revolution (Zetkin (continued), Béla Kun)
10. Five Years of the Rusian Revolution (Trotsky)
11. The Capitalist Offensive (Radek)
12. Fascism; The Capitalist Offensive (Bordiga, Šmeral, Pullman , Urbahns)
13. Credentials Report; the Capitalist Offensive (Eberlein, Radić , Humbert-Droz, Radek, Van Ravesteyn, Stern, Harry Webb, Hoernle, Zetkin, Welti, Rosmer, Radek, Zinoviev, Welti)
14. Programme (Bukharin, Thalheimer)
15. Programme (Kabakchiev)
16. Trade Unions (Lozovsky, Clarke, Lansing )
17. Trade Unions(Heckert, Lauridan, Hertha Sturm, Tasca, Garden, Pavlik, Vercik, Kucher, Rosmer, Cachin, Orhan )
18. Trade Unions; Programme; Workers' Aid (Lozovsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Bordiga, Radek, Béron, Münzenberg)
19. The Eastern Question (Van Ravesteyn, Kolarov, Van Overstraeten, Van Ravesteyn, Roy, Katayama, Boudengha, Béron)
20. The Eastern Question (Webb, Liu Renjing, Husni el-Arabi, Earsman, Safarov, Orhan , Nikbin, Radek, Bunting)
21. The Agrarian Question (Varga, Renaud Jean, Teodorovich, Joss, Rieu, Pauker)
22. The Agrarian Question; Youth; Blacks (Kostrzewa , Katayama, Varga, Schüller, Billings , McKay)
23. The Cooperative Movement (Meshcheriakov, Lauridan, Henriet, Khinchuk)
24. Communist Work amongst Women (Zetkin, Hertha Sturm, Smidowich, Kasparova, Murphy)
25. Educational Work; Versailles Treaty (Hoernle, Krupskaya, Cachin, Gennari, Šmeral, Radić )
26. Versailles Treaty; Austria, Executive Reorganization (Murphy, Keller , Connolly, Friedländer, Béron, Eberlein)
27. Executive Reorganization; Yugoslavia; Egypt; Black Question; Agrarian Question; Workers' Aid (Bordiga, Kolarov, Grün, Katayama, Eberlein, Radić , Katayama, Sasha , Varga, Feliks Kon, Marchlewski)
28. France (Trotsky)
29. France; Spain; Denmark; Executive; Youth (Cachin, Renoult, Souvarine, Renaud Jean, Canellas, Trotsky, Humbery-Droz, Kuusinen, Eberlein, Schüller)
30. Italy; Czechoslowakia (Zinoview, Bordiga, Serrati, Graziadei, Radek, Šturc, Šmeral)
31. Workers' Aid; Yugoslavia; Norway (Münzenberg, Kon, Stanić , Radić , Marynko , Bukharin)
32. Various Resolutions; Election of ECCI; Close of Congress (Haakon Meyer, Connolly, Hoernle, Bordiga, Zetkin, Kolarov, Billings , Grün, Torp, Kolarov, Zinoviev)
Resolutions and Statements
- Statement by Domski
- Protest by the American Commission
- Political Resolution on the French Quesyion
- Decisions on the Reorganisation of the Executive Committee and its Future Activity
- Resulution on the Italian Question
- Resolution on the Versailles Treaty
- On the Tactics of the Comintern - December 1921 These on the Workers' United Front
- Open letter to the Second International and the Vienna Association
- Theses on the Eastern Question - The Educational Work of the Communist Parties
- Programme of Work and Struggle for the French Communist Party
- Theses on Communist Activity in the Trade Unions
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