Digital media and Democracy. Tactics in Hard Times

Primary author
The MIT Press
Place of Publication
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | F Consciousness and culture
- Boler- Introduction
I The Shape of Publics: New Media and Global Capitalism
- Boler- The State of the Media: An Interview with Robert McChesney
- Renzi- The Space of Tactical Media
- Dean- Communicative Capitalism: Circulation and the Foreclosure of Politics
- Boler- Toward Open and Dense Networks: An Interview With Geert Lovink
- Deibert- Black Code Redux: Censorship, Surveillance and the Militarization of Cyberspace
II The Changing Face of News Media
- Moeller- Media and Democracy
- Boler- Democracy on the airwaves: An Interview with Amy Goodman
- Atton- Alternative Media Theory and Journalism Practice
- Schmidt and Boler- Community Radio, Access, and Media Justice: An Interview with Deepa Fernandes
- Bruns- Gatewatching, Gatecrashing: Futures for Tactical Media
- Scott- Tempests of the Blogosphere: Presidential Campaign Stories That Failed to Ignite Mainstream Media
- Magnan, Boler and Schmidt- Al Jazeera English: An Interview with Hassan Ibrahim
III Tactics in Action
- Renzi and Boler- Media Interventions and Art Practises: An Interview with Shaina Anand
- Rosas- The Gambiarra: Considerations on a Recombinatory Technology
- Scholz- Where the activism is
- Meikle- Whacking Bush: Tactical Media as Play
- Boler and Turpin- The Daily Show and Crossfire: Satire and Sincerity as Truth to Power
- Statzel- Cybersupremacy: The New Face and Form of White Supremacist Activism
- Holmes: Re-visioning the State of the Media: Concluding Interview and Commentary
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