[Cannon, James P.] James P. Cannon As We Knew Him |
1976 |
From Mississippi to Boston: The Demand for Troops to Enforce Civil Rights |
Jan. 1975 |
GIs Speak Out Against the War. The Case of the Ft. Jackson 8 |
1970 |
La huelga de los obreros de la carne contra la Hormel en Austin, Minnesota 1985-86 |
1986 |
Out Now! A Participant's Account of the American Movement Against the Vietnam War |
1978 |
Revolutionary Strategy in the 1973 Argentine Elections |
Sept. 1973 |
The 1985-86 Hormel Meat Packers Strike in Austin, Minnesota |
1986 |
US Trotskyism 1928 - 1965. Part III, Vol 4. ... |
2019 |
What Working People Should Know About the Dangers of Nuclear Power |
1979 |