Primary author
Harvard College Library
Place of Publication
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
R Reference
Parent Collections
Listed are:
- Trotsky papers, 5328 items divided in three groups:
-- Soviet Correspondence
-- Works
-- Ephemera
Not listed are materials from the exile period, that were to be closed until 1980. It is reported that there are some 20.000 items in the closed section of his archive.
- Van Heijenoort Papers, 201 items.
- Harper manuscripts, 28 items.
- Dewey commission exhibits, 438 items
The Guide is not to be regarded as a finished Calendar or definitive catalogue of the papers it lists.
The papers are (were in 1959) available to qualified scholars in the reading room of the Houghton Library.
- Trotsky papers, 5328 items divided in three groups:
-- Soviet Correspondence
-- Works
-- Ephemera
Not listed are materials from the exile period, that were to be closed until 1980. It is reported that there are some 20.000 items in the closed section of his archive.
- Van Heijenoort Papers, 201 items.
- Harper manuscripts, 28 items.
- Dewey commission exhibits, 438 items
The Guide is not to be regarded as a finished Calendar or definitive catalogue of the papers it lists.
The papers are (were in 1959) available to qualified scholars in the reading room of the Houghton Library.
Copy Number
3 HAR reg