Fantasizing the Feminine in Indonesia

Primary author
Duke Univ. Press
Place of Publication
Durham, NC
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
I Issues and movements | A Women, Family, Sexual Identity | 1 Women and the Family
Sears:  Introduction. Fragile identities: Deconstructing Women and Indonesia
Structures of control
Tiwon:  Models and maniacs. Articulating the Female in Indonesia
Stoler: A sentimental education. Native servants and the cultivation of European children in the Netherlands Indies
Suryakusuma:  The state and sexuality in new order Indonesia
Sunindyo: Murder, gender and the media. Sexualizing Politics and Viaolence
Wolfe:  Javanese factory daughters. Gender, the state and Industrial Capitalism
Atkinson:  Quizzing the sphinx. Reflections on mortality in central Sulawesi
Lev:  On the other hand?
Contested representations
Florida:  Sex wars. Writing gender relations in nineteenth century Java
Taylor.  Nyai Dasima. Portrait of a Mistress in literature and film
Aripurnami:  A feminist comment on the sinetron presentation of Indonesian women
Oetomo: Gender and sexual orientation in Indonesia
Anderson:  "Bullshit!" S/he said. The happy, Moderm, Sexy, Indonesian married Woman as Transsexual
Tsing:  Alien romance.
Copy Number
I A 1   SEA   reg 21096