Dates 1952 Creator Type Personal Name Biographical/Historical Note Book(s) by Shiva, Vandana Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 Title Date of Publication Banque mondiale / FMI / Organisation mondiale du commerce: ça suffit! Tome II 1995 Ecofeminism 1993 Ecofeminismo desde los derechos de la naturaleza 2012 Ecology Seminar. Reading materials 1993 Escuela Altermundialista 2005. Materiales de Lecturas 28 mayo - 18 junio 2005 Fifty Years Is Enough. The Case Against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund 1994 Geld of je leven. Over de vrije markt en andere sprookjes 1997 Global Justice School 2005. Reading Materials 28 May - 18 June 2005 IMF / World Bank / WTO: The Free Market Fiasco 1995 Louder than Bombs. Interviews from The Progressive Magazine 2004 Third World Session. Reading Materials. Outlines of Reports 1994