Fuller Form of Name Susan Vance Akers George Dates 1934 Creator Type Personal Name Biographical/Historical Note http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_George_(political_scientist) http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_George http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_George Book(s) by George, Susan Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 Title Date of Publication L'Autre Davos. Mondialisation des résistances et des luttes 1999 Banque mondiale / FMI: ça suffit! Tome 1 1994 Comment meurt l'autre moitié du monde 1976 Contre la dictature des marchés 1999 Ecology Seminar. Reading materials 1993 Feeding the Few: Corporate Control of Food 1979 Fifty Years Is Enough. The Case Against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund 1994 Food for Beginners 1982 How the Other Half Dies. The Real Reasons for World Hunger 1977 Ill Fares the Land. Essays on Food, Hunger, and Power 1984 IMF / World Bank / WTO: The Free Market Fiasco 1995 Mundo, S.A. Voces contra la globalización 2002 Session Tiers Monde. Matériel de lecture 1993 The Debt Boomerang. How Third World Debt Harms Us All 1992 The Lugano Report. On Preserving Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century 1999 The Other Davos. Globalization of Resistances and Struggles 2000 Third World Session. Reading Materials 1993