The Fourth International: Fifty Years ...

Primary author
Fourth Internationalist Tendency
Place of Publication
New York
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | J Workers´ movement, left movement, socialist movement | B Fourth International
... Commemmorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Fourth International - World Party of Socialist Revolution
- Bloom and Le Blanc- Introduction
History and Theory of the Fourth International
- Shachtman- Ten Years - History and Principles of the Left Opposition
- Breitman- The Rocky Road to the Fourth International, 1933 - 38
- Mandel- The Reasons for Founding the Fourth International And Why They Remain Valid Today
Trotskyism in America
- Cooper- Labor Solidarity: 1934 and Today
- Wald- Trotskyism and Intellectuals in the U.S.: An Ambiguous Legacy
- Lovell- Ten Giant Steps in the History of American Trotskyism
- Riehle- An Unwritten Chapter of Trotskyist Labor History
The Soviet-Union Today: Glasnost and Perestroika
- Vogt-Downey- The impact of Glasnost and Perestroika on the Soviet Working Class
- Foley- The Crisis Facing the Soviet Bureaucracy
- Volkov- The Failure of the Soviet Bureaucracy
National Liberation and Socialist Revolution
- Caldwell- The Struggle for an Independent and Socialist Quebec
- McAnulty- The Fight for a United Socialist Republic of Ireland
- D'Aguilar- The Issue of Black Self-determination in America
- Hawari- The Palestinian Uprising
Electoral Politics and Revolutionary Strategy
- Van Gelderen- Revolutionary Electoral Strategy: Britain and South Africa
- Barrett- A Transitional Approach to Electoral Politics in the United States
- Ibarra de Piedra- Revolutionary Activity in the Mexican Elections
Fifty Years of the Fourth International
- Le Blanc- The Fourth International and the Fight for Socialism in the World Today
- Kowalewski- For "Mass Perestroika from Below"
- Cooper- They Could Not Kill the Ideas of Leon Trotsky
- Wald- The Dialectical Method of the Fourth International
- Ibarra de la Piedra- Revolutionaries Forge Indissoluble Links Through Struggle
- Volkov- Trotsky's Historical Defense of Marxism
- Mangani- The Historical Balance Sheet of the Fourth International
Copy Number
III J B   BAR    reg19810