Primary author
The Free Press
Place of Publication
New York
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
II Regions and countries | A Africa | 99 Africa: General
Introduction: Thee Three Stages of African Postcolonial Development
--- Part I. Africa's dual heritage: Imperialism and precolonial greatness
Diop: The Birth of the "Negro Myth"
Crowder: Indirect rule - French and British style
Césaire: On the nature of Colonialism
Mondlane: Race relations and Portuguese Colonial Policy, with special reference to Mozambique
--- Part II. The struggle for independence: The tribe, tribalism and the conditions for social development
Brown: Patterns of authority in West Africa
Gluckman: Tribalism in modern British Central Africa
Suret-Canale: The end of chieftaincy in Guinea
Miller: The political survival of traditional leadership
Skinner: The "Paradox" of rural leadership: A comment
Mbee: Letter from Mbugwe, Tanzania
--- Par III. The struggle for independence: The dynamics of nationalism
Coleman: Nationalism in tropical Africa
Shepperson: External factors in the development of African nationalism, with particular referencee to British Central Africa
N'Diaye: African students and the ideology od independence
Rosberg and Nottingham: The myth of Mau Mau: Nationalism in Kenya
--- Part IV. The consolidation of power: The definition of the political arena
Touré: African democracy and the Western parliamentary system
Apter: Some reflections on the role of a political opposition in new nations
Greene: Toward understanding military coups
Legum: The tragedy in Nigeria
Markovitz: Ghana without Nkrumah: The winter of discontent
Nyerere: The Arusha declaration and TANU's polisy of socialism and self-reliance
Amin: Capitalism and Development in the Ivory Coast
--- Part V. Precesses of encadrement: Bureaucratic Development and economic growth
Compagnie d´etudes industrielles et d'amenagement du territoire (Senegal): The meaning of development in Senegal
Mboya: An escape from stagnation
Patel: Economic transition in Africa
Pratt: The administration of economic planning in a newly independent state: the Tanzanian experience
--- Part VI. The politics of race
Benson: Political life in South Africa today
Trapido: Political institutions and Africaner social structures in the Republic of South Africa
Arrighi: The poltical economy of Rhodesia
--- Part VII. Africa in the world: Pan-Africanism and Neutralism
Hadsel: Africa and the world: Nonalignment reconsidered
Emerson: Pan-Afrricanism
--- Part I. Africa's dual heritage: Imperialism and precolonial greatness
Diop: The Birth of the "Negro Myth"
Crowder: Indirect rule - French and British style
Césaire: On the nature of Colonialism
Mondlane: Race relations and Portuguese Colonial Policy, with special reference to Mozambique
--- Part II. The struggle for independence: The tribe, tribalism and the conditions for social development
Brown: Patterns of authority in West Africa
Gluckman: Tribalism in modern British Central Africa
Suret-Canale: The end of chieftaincy in Guinea
Miller: The political survival of traditional leadership
Skinner: The "Paradox" of rural leadership: A comment
Mbee: Letter from Mbugwe, Tanzania
--- Par III. The struggle for independence: The dynamics of nationalism
Coleman: Nationalism in tropical Africa
Shepperson: External factors in the development of African nationalism, with particular referencee to British Central Africa
N'Diaye: African students and the ideology od independence
Rosberg and Nottingham: The myth of Mau Mau: Nationalism in Kenya
--- Part IV. The consolidation of power: The definition of the political arena
Touré: African democracy and the Western parliamentary system
Apter: Some reflections on the role of a political opposition in new nations
Greene: Toward understanding military coups
Legum: The tragedy in Nigeria
Markovitz: Ghana without Nkrumah: The winter of discontent
Nyerere: The Arusha declaration and TANU's polisy of socialism and self-reliance
Amin: Capitalism and Development in the Ivory Coast
--- Part V. Precesses of encadrement: Bureaucratic Development and economic growth
Compagnie d´etudes industrielles et d'amenagement du territoire (Senegal): The meaning of development in Senegal
Mboya: An escape from stagnation
Patel: Economic transition in Africa
Pratt: The administration of economic planning in a newly independent state: the Tanzanian experience
--- Part VI. The politics of race
Benson: Political life in South Africa today
Trapido: Political institutions and Africaner social structures in the Republic of South Africa
Arrighi: The poltical economy of Rhodesia
--- Part VII. Africa in the world: Pan-Africanism and Neutralism
Hadsel: Africa and the world: Nonalignment reconsidered
Emerson: Pan-Afrricanism
Copy Number
II A 99 MAR reg 5365