African Politics and Society. Basic Issues and Problems of Goverment and Development

Primary author
The Free Press
Place of Publication
New York
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
II Regions and countries | A Africa | 99 Africa: General
Introduction: Thee Three Stages of African Postcolonial Development
--- Part I. Africa's dual heritage: Imperialism and precolonial greatness
Diop: The Birth of the "Negro Myth"
Crowder: Indirect rule - French and British style
Césaire: On the nature of Colonialism
Mondlane: Race relations and Portuguese Colonial Policy, with special reference to Mozambique
--- Part II. The struggle for independence: The tribe, tribalism and the conditions for social development
Brown: Patterns of authority in West Africa
Gluckman: Tribalism in modern British Central Africa
Suret-Canale: The end of chieftaincy in Guinea
Miller: The political survival of traditional leadership
Skinner: The "Paradox" of rural leadership: A comment
Mbee: Letter from Mbugwe, Tanzania
--- Par III. The struggle for independence: The dynamics of nationalism
Coleman: Nationalism in tropical Africa
Shepperson: External factors in the development of African nationalism, with particular referencee to British Central Africa
N'Diaye: African students and the ideology od independence
Rosberg and Nottingham: The myth of Mau Mau: Nationalism in Kenya
--- Part IV. The consolidation of power: The definition of the political arena
Touré: African democracy and the Western parliamentary system
Apter: Some reflections on the role of a political opposition in new nations
Greene: Toward understanding military coups
Legum: The tragedy in Nigeria
Markovitz: Ghana without Nkrumah: The winter of discontent
Nyerere: The Arusha declaration and TANU's polisy of socialism and self-reliance
Amin: Capitalism and Development in the Ivory Coast
--- Part V. Precesses of encadrement: Bureaucratic Development and economic growth
Compagnie d´etudes industrielles et d'amenagement du territoire (Senegal): The meaning of development in Senegal
Mboya: An escape from stagnation
Patel: Economic transition in Africa
Pratt: The administration of economic planning in a newly independent state: the Tanzanian experience
--- Part VI. The politics of race
Benson: Political life in South Africa today
Trapido: Political institutions and Africaner social structures in the Republic of South Africa
Arrighi: The poltical economy of Rhodesia
--- Part VII. Africa in the world: Pan-Africanism and Neutralism
Hadsel: Africa and the world: Nonalignment reconsidered
Emerson: Pan-Afrricanism
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