IIRE Working Papers, documents de travail, documentos de trabajo

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IIRE Working Papers

There are 46 item(s) in this collection:
Title Author(s)
W001: Dynamics of the U.S. Labor Upsurge of the 1930s Barzman, John
W002: The Formation of Russian Marxism Rousset, Pierre
W003: La révolution chinoise et le maoïsme revisités; / Dix ans de réformes: Boulversements et ... Lew, Roland
W004: La révolution algérienne Berger, Denis
W005: Civil War and Reconstruction in the U.S.  Primitive Accumulation and the Bourgeois Revolution Post, Charles Johnson
W006: La gauche philippine et les années 80. Une introduction à un dossier Rousset, Pierre, Viegelmann, Rizalina
W007: The Meaning of the American Revolution Wainer, Kit Adam
W008: Constructing a Printshop. A case study in building the party apparatus Bernard (LCR France)
W009: Lessons from Women's Everyday Forms of Resistance in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.  ... McAllister, Carol
W010: Combats et débats de la IVe Internationale. 1 Des origines à 1963 Moreau, François
W011: Combats et débats de la IVe Internationale. 2: De la réunification de 1963 à nos jours Moreau, François
W012: Combats et débats de la IVe Internationale. 3: Retour sur les grands thèmes de débats Moreau, François
W013: Oppression sexuelle et oppression de classe Coontz, Stephanie
W013: Opresión sexual y opresión de clase Coontz, Stephanie
W013: Sexual Oppression and Class Oppression Coontz, Stephanie
W014: Helena Molony: Actress, Feminist, Nationalist, Socialist and Trade Unionist Duggan, Penelope "Penny"
W015: Sexuality Flemming, Rebecca
W016: La révolution vietnamienne. Rapport d'Introduction à un débat Rousset, Pierre
W017: Le PCV dans la transition au socialisme: Etat, parti et population.   ... Rousset, Pierre
W018: La révolution vietnamienne. Trois contributions à un débat (février 1986) Nikita, Groupe trotskiste vietnamien en France, IIRE (IIRF, IIIF): International Instutute for Reserach and Information
W019: Social Movement Unionism: Beyond Economic and Political Unionism Waterman, Peter
W020: Understanding Socialist and Proletarian Internationalism. ... Waterman, Peter
W021: Las organizaciones político-militares en América Latina. ... Rodriguez Lascano, Sergio
W022: Reconsidering Leninism Linden, Marcel van der
W023: The Japanese Working Class Movement from the 1950s to the Middle of the 1970s Sakai, Y.
W024: Débat sur l'écologie Lehmann, Pierre, Lochhead, Robert, Udry, Charles-André
W025: Ecologie: éléments pour un débat de fond Johsua, Samy
W026: History of Chinese Trotskyism Benton, Gregor
W027: Leninism in the United States and the Decline of the Socialist Workers Party Blanc, Paul Le
W028: Le tourment de la matière (Marx, productivisme et écologie) Bensaïd, Daniel
W029: Féminisme, mouvement ouvrier et théorie de la différence en France Trat, Josette
W030: Sujeto revolucionario, vanguardia y alianzas Rodriguez Lascano, Sergio
W031: 'En los trópicos no hay pecado':   ...  Drucker, Peter
W031: 'In the Tropics There Is No Sin': Sexuality and Gay / Lesbian Movements in the Third World Drucker, Peter
W032: Materialism and the 'Makability' of the World Kircz, Joost
W033: El desafío feminista a la organización política tradicional Duggan, Penelope "Penny"
W033: The Feminist Challenge to Traditional Political Organizing Duggan, Penelope "Penny"
W034: Origine et nature du patriarcat - Une vision féministe Mond, Nadia de
W035: The long march of the Dutch Socialist Party Jong, Alex de
W036: La mondialisation de l'industrie automobile en 2013 Vessilier, Jean-Claude
W037: Tendencies, triggers and tulips Roberts, Michael
W038: The power of financial capital and its links with productive capital Chesnais, François
W039: Why Some Are So Rich: What's Imperialism Got To Do With It? Usmani, Adaner
W040: Technological Utopianism in the early USSR, and what does that mean for us now Kircz, Joost
W041: Reality, knowledge and forecasting Kircz, Joost
W042: Stalinist caterpillar into libertarian butterfly? The evolving ideology of the PKK Jong, Alex de