Creator Type Personal Name Biographical/Historical Note Book(s) by Brenner, Johanna Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 Title Date of Publication Autonomy, Community, Women's Rights c 1985 Defending Abortion Rights and Building a Movement for Reproductive Freedom summer 1990 Defending Abortion Rights and Building a Movement for Reproductive Freedom c. 1989 Mapping the Women's Movement. Feminist Politics and Social Transformation in the North 1996 New Politics, 2003 Winter winter 2003 Pour un féminisme de la totalité 2017 Reshaping the US Left. Popular Struggles in the 1980s 1988 Rethinking Women's Oppression 1984 Rising from the Ashes? Labor in the Age of 'Global' Capitalism 1998 The Socialist Feminist Project. A Contemporary Reader in Theory and Politics 2002 The Socialist Register 1989. Revolution Today: Aspirations and Realities 1989 The Socialist Register 2013. The Question of Strategy 2012 Women and the Politics of Class 2000 Women, Class and the Feminist Imagination. A Socialist- Feminist Reader 1990