Dates 1945 - 2020 Creator Type Personal Name Identifier Book(s) by Panitch, Leo Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 Title Date of Publication ALCA: Imperialismo neoliberal dic. / enero 2002 Global Capitalism and American Empire Aug. 2003 Historical Materialism. Research in Critical Marxist Theory, volume 9 Winter 2001 winter 2001 The Socialist Register 1979 1979 The Socialist Register 1981 1981 The Socialist Register 1985/86 1986 The Socialist Register 1989. Revolution Today: Aspirations and Realities 1989 The Socialist Register 1998. The Communist Manifesto Now 1998 The Socialist Register 2002. A World of Contradictions 2001 The Socialist Register 2003. Race, Religion and Ethno-Nationalism 2002 The Socialist Register 2004. The New Imperial Challenge 2003 The Socialist Register 2013. The Question of Strategy 2012 The Socialist Register 2016. The Politics of the Right 2015