Name Variants Amnistia Internacional Dates 1961 - Creator Type Corporate Name Book(s) by AI (Britain): Amnesty International Displaying 1 - 34 of 34 Title Date of Publication China. Documento 1984 A Chronicle of Current Events. Numbers 59, 60, 61 1982 Colombia, una crisis de derechos humanos. 1988 Crimes of Hate, Conspiracy of Silence. Torture and Ill-Treatment Based on Sexual Identity 2001 Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme 1988 Egypte. Torturés et emprisonnés du fait de leur orientation sexuelle réelle ou supposée déc. 2001 Ejecuciones sumarias en Filipinas 5 mayo 1988 L'emprisonnement politique en République Populaire de Chine. Rapport d'Amnesty International 1978 Espagne: rapport de mission 1981 Guatemala in Rebellion: Unfinished History 1983 Indonesia. An Amnesty International Report 1977 Les assassinats politiques. Rapport sur la responsabilité des Etats 1983 Les prisonniers pour délit d'opinion en URSS 1976 Myanmar. Seven Reports 1990-92 Nepal. A Pattern of Human Rights Violations 48 p. Philippines. 'Disappearances' in the Context of Counter-Insurgency 1991 Philippines. Unlawful Killings by Military and Paramilitary Forces 1988 Political Imprisonment in the People's Republic of China. An Amnesty International Report 1978 Politieke gevangenen in de Volksrepubliek China. Een rapport van Amnesty International 1978 Pourquoi faire ? Comment agir ? 1978 Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR. Their Treatment and Conditions 1980 Report of an Amnesty International Mission to India, 31 Dec. 1977 - 18 Jan. 1978 1979 Report of an Amnesty International Mission to Bangladesh (4-12 April 1977) 1978-02 Roumanie 1980 Senegal: Climate of Terror in Casamance 1998 Sénégal: la terreur en Casamance 1998 State of Cambodia. Killings of Demonstrators 1992 Stop. Broken Bodies, Shattered Minds. Torture and Ill-treatment of Women 2001 Témoignages des prisonniers de la prison de la Justice Militaire Fédérale de Sao Paulo 1975 The Central American Crisis Reader 1987 URSS, les prisonniers d'opinion. Rapport 1978 Vietnam. 'Renovation', (Doi Moi), the Law and Human Rights in the 1980s 1990 Violation of Democratic Rights in India 1986 Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan 1979