Creator Type Personal Name Identifier Book(s) by Marik, Soma Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 Title Date of Publication Classical Marxism and Proletarian Democracy: The Emergence of a Concept 1989-90 & 1990-91 For a Civil Code for Secularism, Gender Justice and Social Justice: An Approach Paper c. 1996 German Socialism and Women's Liberation c. 1998 Reinterrogating the Classical Marxist Discourses of Revolutionary Democracy 2009 Revolutionary Democracy. Emancipation in Classical Marxism 2018 The 'Anti-Leninism' of Rosa Luxemburg: A Reappraisal of her Theory of Party 1995-04 The Genocidal Pogrom in Gujarat. Anatomy of Indian Fascism 2002 The Historical Background of Stalinism 1992 Is a Uniform Civil Code Anti-Minority? c. 1996 Women and Politics in West Bengal: Time for a Change in the Approach of the Left 1999