Dates 1856 - 1941 Creator Type Personal Name Biographical/Historical Note Book(s) by Mann, Tom Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 Title Date of Publication British Labour and the Russian Revolution. The Leeds Convention: a report from the Daily Herald NA (1917) Ve Congrès de l' Internationale Communiste (17 juin- 8 juillet 1924) . Compte-rendu analytique 1924 Labour's Turning Point 1880-1900 1974 Protokoll des V. Weltkongresses der Kommunistischen Internationale, Band 2 ... 1971 (1924) Protokoll fünfter Kongress der kommunistischen Internationale 1924 Résolutions et statuts adoptés au 1er Congrès International des Syndicats Révolutionnaires 1921 To the Masses. Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921 2015 What Is Socialism? A Symposium 1924 Writings on the Wall. A Radical and Socialist Anthology 1215 - 1984 1984