Agrarian Struggles in India after Independence |
1986 |
Caste and Communal Violence in Independent India |
1985 |
Changing Profile of Rural Society in India |
1985 |
India's Path of Development. A Marxist Approach |
1984 |
Peasant Struggles in India |
1981 |
Plan, Market and Democracy. The Experience of the So-called Socialist Countries |
1992 |
A Positive Programme for Indian Revolution |
1974 |
A Profile of an Indian Slum |
1972 |
Public Sector in India--Controversies about Its Role |
1985 |
Rajiv Era -- A Historical Perspective |
1985 |
Recent Trends in Indian Nationalism |
1973 |
Rural India in Transition |
1979 |
Rural Sociology in India |
1978 |
Session Materials Dependent Countries, 1982-87: India |
1982-87 |
Social Background of Indian Nationalism |
1976 |
State and Society in India. Essays in Dissent |
1975 |
The Historical Background of Stalinism |
1992 |
Trends of Urban Development in India and Proliferation of Slums and Squatting |
1985 |
Urban Family and Family Planning in India |
1980 |
Violation of Democratic Rights in India |
1986 |
Women's Liberation and Politics of Religious Personal Laws in India |
1986 |