Subjects Glossary

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Name Subject Type
Ahrens Family Name
AI: Amnesty International Corporate Name
AIC (Israel): Alternative Information Center Corporate Name
AICCCR (India): All India Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries Corporate Name
Aidit, Dipa Nusantara Personal Name
Aikoku Fujinkai (Japan): Patriotic Ladies' Association Corporate Name
air force Topical Term
air transport Topical Term
Airey, Richard Baron Personal Name
Aísopos Personal Name
Aix-en-Provence Geographic Name
Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen, Aken, Aquisgrán) Geographic Name
AJC (Netherlands): Arbeiders Jeugd Centrale Corporate Name
AKEL (Cyprus): Anorthotikó Kómma Ergazómenou Laoú Corporate Name
Akimov, V. P. (Makhnovets) Personal Name
Akkoord van Wassenaar 24 november 1982 Topical Term
AKP (Turkey): Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (2001 -) Corporate Name
Al Afghani, Sayyid Jamāl Al-Dīn Personal Name
Al Jazeera Corporate Name
Al-Jihad al-Islami Corporate Name
Alaiz, Felipe Personal Name
Alarm (anarchist periodical) Corporate Name
Alaska Geographic Name
Álava (Araba) Geographic Name
Alba, Santiago Personal Name
ALBA: Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas Corporate Name
Albertus Magnus (Albert of Cologne) Personal Name
Albertus-Universität Königsberg Corporate Name
ALCA: Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas Corporate Name
Alcalá Zamora y Torres, Niceto Personal Name
Alcántara (Dr.) Personal Name
Alcázar de Toledo Geographic Name
alcohol, ethanol, spirits Topical Term
Aldgate Geographic Name
Aldrovandi Personal Name
Alegría de Pío Geographic Name
Aleksandr I Pavlovich of Russia Personal Name
Aleksandr II Nikolayevich of Russia Personal Name
Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich of Russia Personal Name
Aleksandrovsk Geographic Name
Aleksin Geographic Name
Alemán Bolaños, Gustavo Personal Name
Alentejo Geographic Name
Aleppo Geographic Name
Alessandri Rodríguez, Jorge Personal Name
Alevi Topical Term
Alexander, Dr. Neville Personal Name
Alexandr II Nikolaevich of Russia Personal Name